Sunday, March 9, 2014

Weight Loss- Be Even Healthier

By the way fasting helps with weight loss
(Image: topreviews-danniecody.blogspot)

 And helps us be healthier.  Don't we all need that.  My beginning weight is 149.8 on March 6, 2014.  Let's see how it goes... down is my desire.  My health is average.  Let's see how it goes..... up I hope.  I'm 60 years of age.  Even us middle age people, and seniors can renew their strength.  BUT THOSE WHO HOPE IN THE LORD WILL RENEW THEIR STRENGTH.  THEY WILL SOAR ON WINGS LIKE EAGLES; THEY WILL RUN AND NOT GROW WEARY, THEY WILL WALK AND NOT FAINT.  (Is. 40:31 NIV)

  I never do strict water fasts.  Our bodies in this day and age are very compromised with environmental toxins, food additives, chemicals, etc.  Therefore it is much more important that we do drink plenty of healthful liquids.  The easiest one I like is filtered hot water, with a squeeze of lemon or lime juice.  Makes the water tastes great.  The citrus is antifungal, antibacterial, and most importantly anti vral.  It also serves as a blood purifier to alkalize our systems, which we desperately need in this day and age.  You and I can actually be healthier as we learn to fast consistantly.  Keep posted for more health tips.  Whatever you do don't drink canned juices, or soda pop.  The sugar/ carb content is so high it trashes the pancreases and the liver gets overloaded.  Keep posted for more fasting tips which I've learned through many years of study and fasting. 

Make a low carb vegetable broth and sip on it all day.  Yesterday I used  lima beans, with spinach.  Next time I'm going for cabbage!  Will see.  Keep up a variety of veggies, organic is best.  Simmer the broth all day.  Sip all day long, you will be infused with healthy minerals, vitamins, and phytonutrients.  It's very healthy.  Don't use canned broth if you can avoid it.  Throw away the pulp, because the nutrients are now in the liquid.  It's so easy.

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