Thursday, March 13, 2014

Wednesday afternoon 3/12/13 Fasting Schedule

*12:30 pm: 1.5 cups electrolight water

*1:30 pm:  Back from errands.  2.5 cups home made veggie broth.  Added greens, spinach, kale, chard to the broth.  Yummy.  A shot of hot sauce spices it up!

*  1:45 pm:  I'm very hungry.  The broth helps.  Going outside to sun and get fresh air, read a health magazine.  Most importantly; talk to God in nature, His creation.  The creator loves His creation, and I do to.  I try to understand Elohim, our Creator God, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit better through their creation.  THE HEAVENS DECLARE HIS HANDIWORK.. (Psalms)

* Up to 4:15 pm:  3 cups green drink and 4 cups broth.  a sick friend came over.  I anointed him with oil and prayed the prayer of faith.  I hope, pray and expect Jesus will heal him.  He has dark blood in the stool, lower vitality, lower brain function (energy).  Also, his stomach hurts.  It sounds like colon cancer to me.  I didn't tell him.  I trust Jesus to heal him.  My husband passed away about 5 years ago with colon cancer.  God have mercy on him.  Will see him in heaven some great day!

* 4:45 pm: Second coffee enema for detox.  I had originally wanted to do a 3 day fast, however, with this degree of hunger I will have to limit it to 20-24 hours.  Then do another 24 hour fast Friday as I have committed to with Jesus, and Ron and Marci Matsen of KI Resident Study Program/ RSP.

* Up to 7:30 pm: 4 cups broth, 4 cups green drink powder.  Met with my contractor, crisis situation rectified. Will not be taking him to court.  Praise God.  I can relax now.  He is back on track to get to work.

* 7:45 pm: Break fast; bowl of homemade veggie soup.  Successful 22 hour fast approx.  Praise God.  WITH GOD ALL THINGS ARE POSSIBLE.

* 8:00 PM: Cabbage salad, Vinegar and oil dressing Newmns, 2 eggs boiled.  1 lithium orotate, digestive enzyme, 4 senna, 2 fish oil, 2 garlic tabs.  Ahhh, to settle back and watch chuck Missler read and teach on the great Isaiah scroll.  Nothing can be better!  PTL

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