Thursday, March 13, 2014

Fasting for Wisdom

Wednesday early morning fasting schedule, 3/12/13.

Wednesday Early Morning 3/12/13 Fasting Schedule:

* Tuesday night, 9:30 pm:  Took 4 senna tabs with 2 bifidus bifobactirum  tabs.  The senna keeps the bowels moving which would otherwise stop moving during the fast.  The bifidus cultures keeps the intestional flora healthy.  This would be very dangerous as the system would become constipated from lack of solid food moving out the waste.   Then, the colon would reabsorbe the waste in the intestines, overburden the liver, and throw toxins into the blood.  This is what makes fasting difficult in this day and age.  So, probably the number 1 secret of successful fasting for the human body is to keep the toxins and waste moving through the bowels.
*  5:15 am: 1.5 cups hot water with 1 teaspoon red pepper sauce/ arbol and piquin peppers.  Cholula Hot Sauce.  The peppers rev up the metaboilsm, open up the cappilaries, which increases circulation.  This helps with the cleansing of the metabolic wastes.  Peppers release endorphins.   Endorphins are the natural, God given, feel good body compounds which increase a sense of well being.  We sure need that during a fast. 
* 6:15 am: 1.5 cups hot water with 1 teaspoon red pepper sauce.   Keeping hydrated with a degree of nutrition is probably the biggest key to successful fasting on a physical level.  (No plain water fasts, no fasting without liquids.  Our bodies do not have the vital health of past generations.  We are too unindated with environmental toxins, ie pesticides, pharmaceuticals, hormones, chemicals, etc. which were never present in generations of old.  God have mercy on us today.)  Crying out to God, prayer, is the #1 key to power.  Why?  Because in heaven is merciful.  He hears our hearts cry.  He commands us to COME BOLDLY BEFORE HIS THRONE OF GRACE  in our times of need.  All the time for that matter.  But I've found especially  when we are in great need, or desperate (like Queen Esther) , or undertaking a new work of the ministry it's mandatory.  Jesus, Paul, the Antioch Church, Ezra and Daniel all fasted at the critical junctures of undertaking a great work for the Kingdom of Heaven.  
* 6:30 large bowell movement which effectively cleans the bowel for a day or more of safe fasting.  And, I'm all set to go on a healthy fast.  Of course, the health to the human body is secondary, but mandatory. We can't make ourselves sick during fasting.  In fact, just the opposite, when a fast is done properly we can come away with a greater degree of physical well being and health.  Our body is the temple of the Holy spirit  and you and I and all humanity are under direct obligation to God, our Maker to care for these bodies the best we can.  It's called being faithful with the body Elohim has given to us.  To please Him, to be faithful is our highest ideal. 
* 6:45 am:  I wrote my fasting list for my goals and needs for this fast.  I asked God to help me and to answer these prayer.  I asked God, Jesus to move powerfully to bring justice to unjust situations, health to hurting bodies, salvations to lost souls, divine protection for loved ones,  and wisdom for me to move ahead in life with writing a book, and getting my house fixed up.  I'm praying fro specific people, needs, and situations.  Not in general.  Yes, mercy on America is always a priority, and the peace of Jerusalem is a command that we are to pray for.  Also, of course prayer for the KI Resident Study Program in New Zealand  and the new KI Study Center websight.  Seeking God on His throne of grace to help us in our time of need is primary.  Jesus is full of mercy, grace, and forgiveness.  He loves us, that is why we seek His face.  TO KNOW HIM is our highest ideal.
*7:15  1.5 cups hot water with 1 teaspoon pepper sauce.  Remember, keep hydrated.  Keep the liquids up on an hourly basis will keep you feeling good and the full.  Plus the blood will continue to be cleansed through the kidneys.  We're off to a good start. 
* 7:30 am: Praying in tongues and worship.  I personally like praying in tongues, because my spirit is praying, and my mind is bypassed.  So, God in heaven hears my prayers and supplications in the Spirit and my spirit is communicating directly with  my Saviors Spirit.  It's easy.  I also put on Christian worship music in my home at this time, makes it easy to rejoice in the Lord and keep focused on Him.  I can't stand to pump the spirit of the world into my home 24/7 with television, so I don't do tv.  Also, at this time I don't have internet at home.  I don't want to be distracted from God above by reading the news or surfing the web.  He honors that too.  He knows when a person seeks Him with all their heart.  And He likes it.

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