Sunday, March 9, 2014

Friday, March 7, 2014

Today's the beginning of a 9 month commitment to our Lord

Follower of Jesus
Sidney Hemmingmoore

 The commitment is to pray and fast every Friday, God willing.  I chose Fridays so I could rest up and do Bible study on Shabat, Saturday.  At times I would like to do 3 day fasts, Friday, Saturday, and Sunday.  I seek God's power and Jesus' blessings as I undertake this to get some prayer power going!!

This was a 24 hour fast.  From dinner time last night until dinner time tonight.  It was actually very easy.  What are my secrets?  Worshipping Jesus with music in my home.  Scheduling this day specifically for fasting and prayer.  A day set aside, no appointments, etc.  A day of fasting dedicated to seeking the hand of God in heaven to move in answer to great needs, personal, for others, and for RSP.

I got up this morning and watched Chuck Missler on Isaiah, chapters 40 to 45.  He makes Isaiah so easy to understand in the new Isaiah commentary with the ISV translation of the Great Isaiah Scroll, Dead Sea Scrolls.  Dr. Peter Flint did the translation.  Of course, prayer too. Then, dinner out with a friend who had a miracle and is alive and functioning today, even though the doctor said he'd be dead 2 months ago.  Dinner included more prayer and rejoicing.

On a physical level my secrets are: 
* Lots of water
* I add lemon juice for greater cleansing of the blood, alkalizing, and antiviral, antibacterial, antifungal, ets.
* A clear broth made from simmered lima beans and spinach. The lima beans alkalize the system.  The broth of spinach helps keep the bowels moving.
* 1.5 quarts of a green drink made with powdered barley grass juice mixed with water.  Keeps the nutrition up, liquids up, supplies minerals, vitamins, chlorophyll (a blood cleanser), and living enzymes.  It is low in sugars.  Very healthy.
* A coffee colonic to clean the liver and bowels of the toxins released during fasting.

And I'm good to go, makes fasting a breeze.  But, here is the ost important secret.  It is God who makes it possible to fast.  Without Him we can do nothing.  So, when undertaking a fast, the first thing to seek is the empowerment from Jesus. ".. ALL THINGS ARE POSSIBLE WITH GOD,"says Jesus.

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