Thursday, March 13, 2014


The Next Day: Breakthrough


I love Jesus so much. 
 Today is anew day or new beginnings.  He has moved mightily and removed many hindrances in my life.  The miracle of prayer and fasting.  God in heaven hears and answers our hearts cry.  He moves heaven and earth to help us. 

It saddens me that the Body of Christ disvalues fasting to seek God.  
When we seek Him with all our heart, He moves powerfully, beyond human comprehension.  Lives changed, souls saved, nations rise ..... The important ministries in the Bible all start with prayer and fasting in my personal opinion.  Paul, Jesus, Paul's  missionary outreach of bringing the Light of Messiah to the nations, Ezra's  resettling  of Jerusalem.  NOTHING IS IMPOSSIBLE WITH GOD.    

So, What's different this morning?
I can worship and love and appreciate Jesus more deeply and fully this morning.  An oppressive force that was preventing joyous, intimate worship of and with My Master and Beloved Jesus has been removed.  What were those negative forces?  Myself, being too busy taking care of everyday life. Now my focus has changed back to Jesus, my Master, my Husband.  How I love Him.  Another distraction was my contractor not fulfilling his work.  Last night he came over, ordered my carpet, and got back on track to getting this house fixed up and beautified.  My contractor is back on track.  Only God could do that for me.  This is divine intervention,  answered prayer.  I will now have a house of beautify to worship and serve my Lord in.  The third roadblock was I wasn't inspired to write the course proposals for the Resident Study Program, for Koinonia Institute.  Now, this morning, God has put it into my heart to get with it.  The Holy spirit is giving me ideas for exciting Bible classes again!  

Jesus has answered my prayers in a powerful way once again!  All praise to Him Who sits on the throne.  DELIGHT THYSELF IN THE LORD, AND HE WILL GIVE YOU THE DESIRES OF YOUR HEART. (Psalm 37:4)

So, what was  the bottom line? 
 I believe it was an oppressive spirit, a demonic type of stronghold or hindrances in the heavenlies to the work of the ministry and to the joy of the Lord.  Jesus has broken through once again!  All praise to God.   FOR OUR STRUGGLE IS NOT AGAINST FLESH AND BLOOD, BUT AGAINST THE RULERS, AGAINST THE POWERS, AGAINST THE WORLD FORCES OF THIS DARKNESS, AGAINST THE SPIRITUAL FORCES OF WICKEDNESS IN THE HEAVENLY PLACES." (Eph. 6:12 NASB)  Daniel found this out in his 3 week fast! 

 Now, I have the joy of the Lord back again.  Thank-you Jesus.   To me, the joy of the Lord is deep, intimate worship with Jesus.  Worship, simply loving Him from the depths of my heart.  Singing, praising, dancing, and talking to Jesus in the privacy of my own home.  Being moved upon by the Spirit of Truth, the Holy Spirit, the Spirit of Jesus is what I mean by worship.  God has restored my love for Jesus even deeper.  My wandering love has returned wonderfully to the Only One Who Is Worthy!  There is nothing better in this world.

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