Thursday, March 13, 2014

Fasting for Wisdom, Health, Justice, Etc.

Wednesday Morning 3/12/13 Fasting Schedule

This 3 day fast is off and rolling.  ALL THINGS ARE POSSIBLE WITH GOD. (Words of Jesus in the Gospels)  I sense the Holy Spirit has instructed me to go on a 3 day fast as I need some major breakthroughs in areas of wisdom, justice, and, of course being even healthier is always a worthy prayer to Jesus.  BELOVED, ABOVE ALL THINGS I PRAY YOU PROSPER EVEN AS YOUR SOUL AND HEALTH PROSPERS.  (paraphrase John 3:1, letter to Gaius)

*  8:15 start sipping a water bottle of 3 cups water with powdered barley grass juice powder.  Why?  To alkalize the body, get living enzymes, extremely important, and supply chrolophyll for blood purification.   And mega nutrients for vitamins, minerals, and food factors.  By the way barley was Jesus grain of choice.  He supernaturally fed His thousands of followers barley bread, along with fish too.  (Gospels)  King Solomon was so rich he fed his finest horses barley hay.  King Nebuchadazzer was fed grasses until he was healed of mental illness and recognized the God of Heaven rules in human affairs.  (Daniel)  Many health researches have found that barley grass juice is the most important health food for the human body.  After years of study, I'm in agreement.  Especially since Jesus likes barley bread.  And He knows what's good for a person.

* Continuing prayer, tongues and worship in my home!  Feels so good to worship Jesus.  He once said to me through His Spirit:  "Worship Me, (Jesus)- that's where the power is."  I've found that to be true.

* 8:00 am:  Coffee colonic to get the fast started with a clean colon, blood, and liver.  1 quart boiled coffee grounds, 3 tablespoons coffee.  Boil about 5 minutes, strain, cool.  Do a retention enema as long as possible (15 minutes max.)  The blood will be cleansed, the colon cleansed, and most importantly the liver will discharge the bile that has accumulated with the waste.

* 8:15-10:15 working on getting my contractor do finish the work I paid him for, or take him to small claims court. Talking to witnesses, calling my attorney, documenting, and making the appointment with the contractor.  God , help me.  This is what I need  justice for and wisdom.  The Bible tells us IF ANY OF YOU LACK WISDOM, THEN ASK GOD, WHO WILL GIVE IT.  I lack wisdom in this case.  My contractor has taken almost 3,000$ of my money and not done any work for 4 months.  So, it's time for action.  I'm a widow, and I'm coming to our Just Judge for justice for me.  I'm like the persistent widow who got justice against her adversary by continually coming to the judge.  Jesus told us to continually come to our Father in heaven, and He will give us justice.  Jesus wants us to have faith on earth, to come to our Father in heaven in prayer.  Fasting shows our Just Judge how desperate we are, and how serious we are in needing results.  He likes it.  (Gospels)

* 10:15 am: 3 cups water, 1 T barley grass juice mix.  Starting to sip.  Downed 1 cup water.

* 11:00 am: starting to get hungry.  Making a vegetable broth: 1 lb lima beans, highly alkalizing; celtic sea salt, mineral rich; lots of garlic powder, antibiotic, antibacterial, antifungal, antiviral, immune cell and metabolism booster, general healing tonic; parsley, a Biblical "bitter herb",  high in nutrients and cleansing properties.  Putting on to med-high heat.  Will be ready when I get back from errands.

*10:50 review my prayer list and petition God again.

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