Sunday, March 9, 2014

First Fast Day

First day. 

 Today is Friday March 7, 2014.  I have undertaken to pray and fast one day a week til the first Friday in November; 9 months.  This was undertaken to add considerable prayer power to the success of the KI Resident Study Program.  I see the RSP as a significant work of God in these last days.  Jesus is pouring out new wine.  Jesus has given Chuck Missler,  Ron Matsen  and the Body of  Christ new wineskins at River Lodge in my personal opinion.  My prayer is that Jesus equip many for the work of the ministry with power at RSP New Zealand.

Of course I'm praying for other needs as well.  And I would like to undertake longer periods of fastings at some time. It is my hearts desire.  I pray that Jesus empower me.  But, I will work up to longer fasts gradually.

Fasting is a spiritual discipline that has tremendous effects.  Unfortunately it is sadly neglected in the body of Christ today.  If we can but return to our Lords command that:  "..THEN THEY SHALL PRAY AND FAST".  (Gospels) Also Jesus says, "COME APART WITH ME.."  (Gospels)  Then, we would see the power of God blow open the doors of heaven in answered prayer!

I'm off to an amazing start.  While seeking direction the Spirit of God told me to start a Fasting Blog.  He has even given me the first 7 posts.  Well, I'm off and running.  May I please you Jesus.  I hope you and I both learn a lot from this blog.   May God empower you to fast and pray.  May He answer your prayers powerfully.  Amen.

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