Sunday, August 31, 2014

Fasting for New Beginnings image

Trust in the Lord with all thine heart, lean not on your own understandings , in all your ways acknowledge Him, and He will direct your paths. (Prov 3:5,6 KJV) 

For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord.  Plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you a future and a hope. (Jeremiah 29:11)

The weather is changing and we're entering a new season.  The season of fall, and a new day of discovery in Christ.  Jesus loves you, and He has good plans for you.  Let us turn back to Him anew and trust Him with all our ways.  He will lead us on paths of righteousness of His Names sake.  Jesus is the Rock of our Salvation.

Fasting dates: August 26, August 31 for RSP, KI, Chuck Missler, my future, my family, my city, my country, etc.  God have mercy on America.

Monday, August 25, 2014

Fasting Dates


To be faithful to fast 1 day a week for the RSP, etc, is my hearts desire.

  1. August 3,4,5 2014  (3- 24 hour fasts in a row)
  2. August 25th  (start at 12:30 A.M.)
  • Moreove, it is required of stewards that they be found faithful. (1 Cor. 4:2 ESV)
  • His Master said to him, "Well done, good and faithful servant. You have been faithful over a little; I will set you over much.  Enter into the joy of your Master." (Mt. 25:23 ESV)
  • "One who is faithful in a very little, is also faithful in much..." (Luke 16:10a ESV)

Monday, August 4, 2014

Come Away....
During worship, singing to Jesus, communing with Him, at church today He said: "Come away, come away, come away with Me My Love."


My Beloved spake, and said unto me, Rise up, my love, my fair one, and come away. (Song 2:10)   Arise, my love, my fair one, and come away. (Song 2:13b)  Come away, my beloved,.. (Song 8:14a)

I said, (in my heart), "What do you want from me Lord? His Spirit replies, "Your love. Tell of My mercy, grace, and forgiveness.." It's that simple.
Jesus constantly calls us:
“Come to Me, all of you who are weary and loaded down with burdens, and I will give you rest. Place my yoke on you and learn from Me, because I am gentle and humble, and you will find rest for your souls, because my yoke is pleasant,  and My burden is light.” (Mt. 11:28-30 ISV)

wondered about the prophetic world events I'm following? He told me He will take of the world. I'm fasting from the news as well as food and this world. Just hanging with Jesus at home. How refreshing.

I wondered about going to my son's house. His Spirit assured me Dana would be fine. I felt a great sense of relief, just at the thought of leaving this world behind and communing with God. How I love that. Fasting adds great power to prayer. I'm praying for my son's health. (And others health too.) I expect miracles!

I knew that Jesus was calling me to a 3 day fast to read the Bible, (Luke, Acts) and talk to Him, prayer. How wonderful a time. I'm so glad the power is out so I'm not chasing the things of this world, now absorbed in its events. It must have been so much easier for the Prophets to spend time talking to God and seeking His wisdom than it is in this electrified, computerized, televised world we life in today. A world under the power of the Prince of the Air, (Satan) and the power of darkness.

I'm so happy to leave it all behind. May Jesus give me the strength for this 3 day fast. What do I do when I get hungry? Feed on the Word of God, read the (kj) Bible.

After all, some of the first Words Jesus spoke in the Gospels are: " Mankind does not live by bread (food) alone, but by every Word out of the mouth of God." Jesus also tells us that the Words He speaks are Spirit and they are Life. (John)

Saturday, June 28, 2014

Checking In

Hi KI,
Just a check in to let you know I've been fasting and praying 1 day per week as agreed upon.  Thanks for the opportunity.  Prayer really helps.  Jesus delivered one woman from bad pain.  Praise be to God.

 "It's not by might, nor by power, but by My Spirit says the Lord of Hosts." (Zech. 4:6b ESV)
 "I am the Lord All-Powerful. So don’t depend on your own power or strength, but on my Spirit."  (Zech. 4:6 CEV)  

Love in Christ,

Monday, June 9, 2014

Another Successful Fast

  Prayer is primary.  All glory to Jesus. I thank Him for answered prayer for those in desperate need. 
Did another successful 20 hour fast.  So, it is none of my personal ability to be enabled to fast, it is simply a gifting from the Holy Spirit.  As John the Baptist said, "A person can receive nothing unless it is given to them from above." (Jn. 3:27)  

 In the past He, Jesus, empowered me to do many long fasts with tremendous results and revelations.  How I miss those days.  After about a 3 day fast I would see things completely differently and be in a different mindset than usual, much closer to God.  I loved it.  The experience was almost an altered state of consciousness than what I normally experience in day to day life.  Yet, during this time in my life of shorter fasts, worship is the key to getting closer to God in the Spirit, seeing pictures of Spiritual things in my minds eye.  How I long for that communion with Jesus Spirit.

I have been very sick recently.  There has been a lot of spiritual warfare.  That must mean there is tremendous prayer results too.  I saw a 'high place,' 'stronghold' taken down right north of Mead High School when I prayed, fasted, and walked the area.  But the price was very high as my personal health took a hit.  But, praise be to God, Jesus is restoring me.  I cry out to Him constantly.  Thank all of you who have been praying for me.

Thursday, June 5, 2014

Worship God

Jesus once told me, "Worship Me, that's where the power is."

So, I've come to the conclusion that at this time in my life rather than long fasts,  praise and worship will be the number one secret of coming into His presence.  

 Shout praises to the Lord!  All of you faithful people,  Praise God in his temple.  Praise him in heaven, his mighty fortress.  Praise our God! His deeds are wonderful, too marvelous to describe, praise our glorious Lord! Celebrate and worship. Praise God with songs on your lips...  
From Psalm 149, 150 CEV
Come! Let us worship and bow down;
let us kneel in the presence of the LORD, who made us.
For he is our God, and we are the people of his pasture
and the flock in his care.
If only you would listen to his voice today
Psalm 95:6,7 ISV

Oh Lord, let us, empower us to come before you in prayer and worship.  Empower us to bow down before you, El Shaddai, talk to us, let us listen to Your Voice....  In Jesus Name, Amen. 


  There are great prayer needs and intense spiritual warfare during these fasts.  The last fast left me extremely ill for over a week.  The prayers were for a summer of souls in Spokane, and many more needs.  On a physical level I must have gotten dehydrated is the only reason I can figure that I got so sick.  Of course, we know that All things work together for the good for those who love the Lord and are called according to His purposes. (Rom. 8)  So, God even used the infirmity to give me the time and focus to fast track through 2 courses, Genesis.  Praise to His Name.

Thank God, I'm on my feet again.

It is tempting to stop fasting.  I can't do that though.  I've made a commitment to fast and prayer for people one day a week until end of October.  I trust God to give me the strength to endure.  It saddens me that I don't have the physical empowerment nor annointing from Jesus to undertake long fasts as I used to.  Long fasts used to put me into an altered state of mind, where the cares of this world go away, and I saw more through God's eyes.  To know Him is my hearts desires.   

For documentation, Jesus has kept me on track, fasting and prayer 1 to 2 days a week.  Thank-You Lord.

Yesterday I witnessed to a senior, disabled woman.  I knew that Jesus loved her and wanted her to be in heaven with Him someday (soon.)  So, I talked to her about Jesus.  She said she didn't believe and was a unitarian, and she was too old.  I told her Jesus loved her and wants her to believe in Him, and He will get her to heaven.  I did ask her to think about Jesus and receive Him.  She said ok.  Soul's are in the balance.  This life is the valley of decision.  I pray she come to salvation!  I'd love to see her in heaven.  Makes me cry when I consider the alternative. 

 God have mercy on America.  Make this a summer of souls for the Kingdom.

Saturday, May 24, 2014

Blessed Are The Merciful

Today, after a day of fasting (prayer in the morning) I feel great.  I thank God for the health You give me, O Lord, our God. 

 The Lord God is my strength. (Habakkuk 3) 
your blogger

 The verse that comes to mind are the words of Jesus in the beatitudes: "Blessed are the merciful, for they shall receive mercy." Paul goes on to explain how we love: "No one who loves others will harm them.  So, love is all that the law demands." (Rom. 13:10 CEV)   "Love does no harm to a neighbor.  Therefore love is the fulfillment of the law." (NIV Rom. 13:10)  John, the "disciple who Jesus loved" gives us the bottom line on how to live in this world, "Dear friends, let us continually love one another, because love comes from God." (1 Jn. 4:7a ISV) 

Friday, March 14, 2014

Intimacy With Jesus

My goal for fasting today is to be more intimate with Jesus....  
And He will give me the desires of my heart.  

The goal of my fasting today is intimacy with Jesus.  Friday March 14.  It does help to set aside a whole day devoted to Him.  I praise God, and thank Jesus for making it possible.  

During fast days, in fact all the time, I try to avoid the spirit of the world as much as possible.  I don't do tv.  Never have really.  I also had the internet turned off at my house.  I don't like to spend mindless hours surfing the web anymore.  I do subscribe to 3 news sites to keep up the the prophetic events on the horizon, especially the mid east.   We are so right there at the end of days.  We can see it all around us.  All the signs are coalesing even as we speak. Please check out my blog: World War 3 Nuclear Attacks.   I do love to travel the world with my daughter. I always stand in awe of God.  To see His power and magnitude revealed in His creation inspires me. Yet, seeing the hardness of human hearts denying the Creator and Lord Jesus saddens me deeply.  Jesus loves the world.  And so many are perishing....   God have mercy.  Jesus, raise up workers for Your harvest.  

This verse from the Prophet Isaiah ring to me.

 Devotion to my First Love, like Mary of Bethany, is what I want.
(Sid Hemmingmoore)
Coming back to Him, again, and again, and again...  That's what the whole book, Song of Songs is all about on a spiritual level.  I love that book.  Of course we know what it's about on the physical level... totally hot.

 Last night I went to see the "Son of God" movie.
 I cried as I saw Jesus calling Matthew.

 I  I sat in awe as I saw Him, Jesus, raising the dead, and healing the sick on the big screen.  I loved Jesus even more when I saw Him take up His cross, the Fathers will, to die for my sins.  The movie is Biblically accurate for the most part.   Makes me appreciate Jesus mercy, grace and forgiveness even more. 

The Martha- Mary Paradox

Martha was the best hostess in all of Israel.... but Mary's devotion to our Lord was even better.  Martha's home church is unrivaled.  It was Jesus base of operations when He came to Jerusalem.  And yet.... .Mary her sisters time with our Lord was even better by far.

The Martha - Mary paradox is something I suffer from.  We can read about Martha and Mary with Jesus in Luke's gospel.  Jesus loved them so much.  Jesus would stay at Martha's house.  She would take care of all feasts for Him.  Mary, her sister, was a less energetic woman.  She just sat there with Jesus.  To all appearances she wasn't doing her fare share of the work.  Mary just  loved sitting at His feet, listening to Him, knowing Him, adoring Jesus of Nazareth.  He  raised their brother Lazarus from the dead.  Lazarus walked out of the tomb after 4 days when The Resurrection and the Life, Jesus, called him out of death. 

But what is the paradox?  
(Image: adifferentwayofseeing.wordpress)
 The tension between Martha's service  and Mary's devotion.  Martha was awesome.  The most wonderful host in all of Israel. Her home was Jesus home base in Judah.   But, one day, Jesus told her the truth.  Mary was even better!  But all Mary did was sit there with Jesus.  Jesus explained to Martha that Mary had chosen something even better; simply sitting with Him.  Amazing.  

The truth is all of our service only can flow from our 'sitting at Jesus feet.'  We cannot even do service without being intimately united to our Source, our Master Jesus. It is impossible.  Jesus says so Himself.   Jesus explaines: "STAY JOINED TO ME, AND I WILL STAY JOINED TO YOU.  IF YOU STAY JOINED TO ME, AND I STAY JOINED TO YOU, THEN YOU WILL PRODUCE LOTS OF FRUIT.  BUT YOU CANNOT  DO ANYTHING WITHOUT ME."  (John 15 CEV)

 In a sense I think we all are caught up the Martha - Mary  paradox.  The tension between service,  verses simple love and devotion and time loving our Lord.   I've had to learn this one the hard way over and over again for 20 years.  I constantly have to return to sitting at Jesus feet.  I know that without Him I can do nothing.  Not even draw my next breath. Jesus has told me I'm a Mary. Even though I'd like to be able to do everything like Martha.  I try, but soon realize I can't.  However, I can do something even better.   I love to worship our Lord Jesus.   I'm a widow.  He is my Husband now.

The classic example of this paradox is the church at Ephesus. (Revelation 2:1-7)  Jesus sent a letter to His followers in Ephesus. He commended them.  Their service was impeccable, like Martha's!    Tragically, they had lost their First Love.  Yet, we cannot do service without being intimately united to our Master.  It is impossible.  Jesus says so Himself. 

How can we get our First Love back?  Jesus tells us in Revelation 2:7.  We need to remember Him, and how much we loved Him at first, and turn back to our Lord.  It's that easy.  I think worshiping Him is one important key.  What is worship?  Simple love, communion with God. I like to worship Him by singing, and dancing, and walking and talking with Jesus Spirit.  He returns the love.  I'm sure there are other ways to worship too, gratefulness, contemplation, Bible reading, even serving can be a form of worship. 

 Prayer and fasting is one powerful way to come back to Jesus even more fervently.
Prayer is simply talking to God, Jesus.  Fasting is our total commitment to seek His face. We humble ourselves when we fast. In fact, in the Old Testament humbling oneself was is the same as with fasting.    May we all seek His face, love union with Jesus, even more.  Amen.   


Years Ago I Discovered Mary of Bethany in the Bible

20 years ago I was so weakened I couldn't  even get off the couch.  jESUS healed me and He has given me my strength back.  All praise to Him.  

 Years ago this body was so depleted of any vital energy I could barely drag myself around.  This state seemed to go on for years.... I could barely move.  I had terminal cancer.  The doctors poisoned me to the edge of death with their chemo (chemical) therapy for a whole year. Not to mention radiation, 2 surgeries, and invasive procedures  also seriously weakened my body.  At the end of that year I was reduced to a human being being trapped in a body that was too weak to get off the couch.  

 Ultimately Jesus had mercy on me.  In an instant He blew cancer out of my body.  He poured into me His living hope.  Then, over the years, in ups and down Jesus has strengthened my mortal body.  I'm actually living on borrowed time.  I pray that I please HIm and use this time wisely to tell of Your mercy, grace, and forgiveness Lord Jesus.

At my lowest is when I discovered the Bible.  I couldn't do anything else, but Jesus Holy  Spirit empowered me to read and understand His Word.  All praise to Him.  I could lay there for hours and read about Jesus.  How He loved the people and wrought miracles.  I could almost see and experience being with Him as He walked the hills of Galilee, and stood on the shore of Lake Generesett.   Messiah's  love for me revealed in His death, burial and resurrection blew me away.

My heart was broken though.  I still had my 2 small children who I love dearly.  I didn't have the strength to even go outside and watch them play.  I couldn't take them to soccer, or to the park.  All the other mothers were doing beautiful gardens and great days with their familys.  Not me.  I was just praying that my children wouldn't run into the street and get killed.

That's when I discovered Mary of Bethany. 

We read about her in the Gospels. (Luke and John) I was just like her.  All she did was sit at Jesus feet, listening to Him.  That's all I could do in life.  One day Mary's sister got angry at her.  She demanded that Jesus make her stop just sitting there with Him, and get up, and get to work.  Because Martha could do everything.  She must have been very strong, healthy, and efficient.  Mary, it seemed was just the opposite.  Like me.

Well, I expected Jesus to tell Mary to get up and get to work.  He did just the opposite.  To me, He said to Martha,  OH MARTHA, MARTHA, YOU ARE SO BUSY, TOO BUSY... SO WORRIED ABOUT ALL YOU DO.  AND YOU KNOW WHAT MARTHA, SOMEDAY IT WILL ALL BE TAKEN AWAY FROM YOU.  BUT WHAT MARY HAS CHOSEN IS THE BETTER.  IT WILL NEVER BE TAKEN AWAY FROM HER.  (This is my paraphrase of what we read in the Gospels)

So, I realized, that laying there on the couch, reading about Jesus was the most important thing in this world.  I could do something of eternal value.  It made me so happy.  Whenever I felt so sad, I would just read those words Jesus said, and He would make me happy again.

I'm Living On Borrowed Time

20 years ago I should have been dead.
I would have been happy, I would have been in heaven with Jesus and my loved ones who went before me. But, my children would have been crushed, my Mom devastated, and my husband Dale, burdened beyond what I can imagine.

  But the  Lord had mercy on my babies and He instantly cured me in a moment of time.  

All praise to Him, cancer and death blown out of my body, and Jesus' living hope poured in.  
For 20 years it's only Jesus wings of grace that has carried me.  All of my many mistakes, faults, and sins He has generously forgiven.  His love and power of mercy, grace, and forgiveness is unfathomable, like a mighty river of God's love blown into the universe 2,000 years ago on the cross when He cried, IT IS FINISHED- PAID IN FULL.  Jesus has instructed me that for the rest of my life He has called me to tell of His mercy, grace, and forgiveness in my life.  I'm a widow.  Jesus is my Husband.  

Thursday, March 13, 2014


The Next Day: Breakthrough


I love Jesus so much. 
 Today is anew day or new beginnings.  He has moved mightily and removed many hindrances in my life.  The miracle of prayer and fasting.  God in heaven hears and answers our hearts cry.  He moves heaven and earth to help us. 

It saddens me that the Body of Christ disvalues fasting to seek God.  
When we seek Him with all our heart, He moves powerfully, beyond human comprehension.  Lives changed, souls saved, nations rise ..... The important ministries in the Bible all start with prayer and fasting in my personal opinion.  Paul, Jesus, Paul's  missionary outreach of bringing the Light of Messiah to the nations, Ezra's  resettling  of Jerusalem.  NOTHING IS IMPOSSIBLE WITH GOD.    

So, What's different this morning?
I can worship and love and appreciate Jesus more deeply and fully this morning.  An oppressive force that was preventing joyous, intimate worship of and with My Master and Beloved Jesus has been removed.  What were those negative forces?  Myself, being too busy taking care of everyday life. Now my focus has changed back to Jesus, my Master, my Husband.  How I love Him.  Another distraction was my contractor not fulfilling his work.  Last night he came over, ordered my carpet, and got back on track to getting this house fixed up and beautified.  My contractor is back on track.  Only God could do that for me.  This is divine intervention,  answered prayer.  I will now have a house of beautify to worship and serve my Lord in.  The third roadblock was I wasn't inspired to write the course proposals for the Resident Study Program, for Koinonia Institute.  Now, this morning, God has put it into my heart to get with it.  The Holy spirit is giving me ideas for exciting Bible classes again!  

Jesus has answered my prayers in a powerful way once again!  All praise to Him Who sits on the throne.  DELIGHT THYSELF IN THE LORD, AND HE WILL GIVE YOU THE DESIRES OF YOUR HEART. (Psalm 37:4)

So, what was  the bottom line? 
 I believe it was an oppressive spirit, a demonic type of stronghold or hindrances in the heavenlies to the work of the ministry and to the joy of the Lord.  Jesus has broken through once again!  All praise to God.   FOR OUR STRUGGLE IS NOT AGAINST FLESH AND BLOOD, BUT AGAINST THE RULERS, AGAINST THE POWERS, AGAINST THE WORLD FORCES OF THIS DARKNESS, AGAINST THE SPIRITUAL FORCES OF WICKEDNESS IN THE HEAVENLY PLACES." (Eph. 6:12 NASB)  Daniel found this out in his 3 week fast! 

 Now, I have the joy of the Lord back again.  Thank-you Jesus.   To me, the joy of the Lord is deep, intimate worship with Jesus.  Worship, simply loving Him from the depths of my heart.  Singing, praising, dancing, and talking to Jesus in the privacy of my own home.  Being moved upon by the Spirit of Truth, the Holy Spirit, the Spirit of Jesus is what I mean by worship.  God has restored my love for Jesus even deeper.  My wandering love has returned wonderfully to the Only One Who Is Worthy!  There is nothing better in this world.
Wednesday afternoon 3/12/13 Fasting Schedule

*12:30 pm: 1.5 cups electrolight water

*1:30 pm:  Back from errands.  2.5 cups home made veggie broth.  Added greens, spinach, kale, chard to the broth.  Yummy.  A shot of hot sauce spices it up!

*  1:45 pm:  I'm very hungry.  The broth helps.  Going outside to sun and get fresh air, read a health magazine.  Most importantly; talk to God in nature, His creation.  The creator loves His creation, and I do to.  I try to understand Elohim, our Creator God, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit better through their creation.  THE HEAVENS DECLARE HIS HANDIWORK.. (Psalms)

* Up to 4:15 pm:  3 cups green drink and 4 cups broth.  a sick friend came over.  I anointed him with oil and prayed the prayer of faith.  I hope, pray and expect Jesus will heal him.  He has dark blood in the stool, lower vitality, lower brain function (energy).  Also, his stomach hurts.  It sounds like colon cancer to me.  I didn't tell him.  I trust Jesus to heal him.  My husband passed away about 5 years ago with colon cancer.  God have mercy on him.  Will see him in heaven some great day!

* 4:45 pm: Second coffee enema for detox.  I had originally wanted to do a 3 day fast, however, with this degree of hunger I will have to limit it to 20-24 hours.  Then do another 24 hour fast Friday as I have committed to with Jesus, and Ron and Marci Matsen of KI Resident Study Program/ RSP.

* Up to 7:30 pm: 4 cups broth, 4 cups green drink powder.  Met with my contractor, crisis situation rectified. Will not be taking him to court.  Praise God.  I can relax now.  He is back on track to get to work.

* 7:45 pm: Break fast; bowl of homemade veggie soup.  Successful 22 hour fast approx.  Praise God.  WITH GOD ALL THINGS ARE POSSIBLE.

* 8:00 PM: Cabbage salad, Vinegar and oil dressing Newmns, 2 eggs boiled.  1 lithium orotate, digestive enzyme, 4 senna, 2 fish oil, 2 garlic tabs.  Ahhh, to settle back and watch chuck Missler read and teach on the great Isaiah scroll.  Nothing can be better!  PTL

Fasting for Wisdom, Health, Justice, Etc.

Wednesday Morning 3/12/13 Fasting Schedule

This 3 day fast is off and rolling.  ALL THINGS ARE POSSIBLE WITH GOD. (Words of Jesus in the Gospels)  I sense the Holy Spirit has instructed me to go on a 3 day fast as I need some major breakthroughs in areas of wisdom, justice, and, of course being even healthier is always a worthy prayer to Jesus.  BELOVED, ABOVE ALL THINGS I PRAY YOU PROSPER EVEN AS YOUR SOUL AND HEALTH PROSPERS.  (paraphrase John 3:1, letter to Gaius)

*  8:15 start sipping a water bottle of 3 cups water with powdered barley grass juice powder.  Why?  To alkalize the body, get living enzymes, extremely important, and supply chrolophyll for blood purification.   And mega nutrients for vitamins, minerals, and food factors.  By the way barley was Jesus grain of choice.  He supernaturally fed His thousands of followers barley bread, along with fish too.  (Gospels)  King Solomon was so rich he fed his finest horses barley hay.  King Nebuchadazzer was fed grasses until he was healed of mental illness and recognized the God of Heaven rules in human affairs.  (Daniel)  Many health researches have found that barley grass juice is the most important health food for the human body.  After years of study, I'm in agreement.  Especially since Jesus likes barley bread.  And He knows what's good for a person.

* Continuing prayer, tongues and worship in my home!  Feels so good to worship Jesus.  He once said to me through His Spirit:  "Worship Me, (Jesus)- that's where the power is."  I've found that to be true.

* 8:00 am:  Coffee colonic to get the fast started with a clean colon, blood, and liver.  1 quart boiled coffee grounds, 3 tablespoons coffee.  Boil about 5 minutes, strain, cool.  Do a retention enema as long as possible (15 minutes max.)  The blood will be cleansed, the colon cleansed, and most importantly the liver will discharge the bile that has accumulated with the waste.

* 8:15-10:15 working on getting my contractor do finish the work I paid him for, or take him to small claims court. Talking to witnesses, calling my attorney, documenting, and making the appointment with the contractor.  God , help me.  This is what I need  justice for and wisdom.  The Bible tells us IF ANY OF YOU LACK WISDOM, THEN ASK GOD, WHO WILL GIVE IT.  I lack wisdom in this case.  My contractor has taken almost 3,000$ of my money and not done any work for 4 months.  So, it's time for action.  I'm a widow, and I'm coming to our Just Judge for justice for me.  I'm like the persistent widow who got justice against her adversary by continually coming to the judge.  Jesus told us to continually come to our Father in heaven, and He will give us justice.  Jesus wants us to have faith on earth, to come to our Father in heaven in prayer.  Fasting shows our Just Judge how desperate we are, and how serious we are in needing results.  He likes it.  (Gospels)

* 10:15 am: 3 cups water, 1 T barley grass juice mix.  Starting to sip.  Downed 1 cup water.

* 11:00 am: starting to get hungry.  Making a vegetable broth: 1 lb lima beans, highly alkalizing; celtic sea salt, mineral rich; lots of garlic powder, antibiotic, antibacterial, antifungal, antiviral, immune cell and metabolism booster, general healing tonic; parsley, a Biblical "bitter herb",  high in nutrients and cleansing properties.  Putting on to med-high heat.  Will be ready when I get back from errands.

*10:50 review my prayer list and petition God again.

Fasting for Wisdom

Wednesday early morning fasting schedule, 3/12/13.

Wednesday Early Morning 3/12/13 Fasting Schedule:

* Tuesday night, 9:30 pm:  Took 4 senna tabs with 2 bifidus bifobactirum  tabs.  The senna keeps the bowels moving which would otherwise stop moving during the fast.  The bifidus cultures keeps the intestional flora healthy.  This would be very dangerous as the system would become constipated from lack of solid food moving out the waste.   Then, the colon would reabsorbe the waste in the intestines, overburden the liver, and throw toxins into the blood.  This is what makes fasting difficult in this day and age.  So, probably the number 1 secret of successful fasting for the human body is to keep the toxins and waste moving through the bowels.
*  5:15 am: 1.5 cups hot water with 1 teaspoon red pepper sauce/ arbol and piquin peppers.  Cholula Hot Sauce.  The peppers rev up the metaboilsm, open up the cappilaries, which increases circulation.  This helps with the cleansing of the metabolic wastes.  Peppers release endorphins.   Endorphins are the natural, God given, feel good body compounds which increase a sense of well being.  We sure need that during a fast. 
* 6:15 am: 1.5 cups hot water with 1 teaspoon red pepper sauce.   Keeping hydrated with a degree of nutrition is probably the biggest key to successful fasting on a physical level.  (No plain water fasts, no fasting without liquids.  Our bodies do not have the vital health of past generations.  We are too unindated with environmental toxins, ie pesticides, pharmaceuticals, hormones, chemicals, etc. which were never present in generations of old.  God have mercy on us today.)  Crying out to God, prayer, is the #1 key to power.  Why?  Because in heaven is merciful.  He hears our hearts cry.  He commands us to COME BOLDLY BEFORE HIS THRONE OF GRACE  in our times of need.  All the time for that matter.  But I've found especially  when we are in great need, or desperate (like Queen Esther) , or undertaking a new work of the ministry it's mandatory.  Jesus, Paul, the Antioch Church, Ezra and Daniel all fasted at the critical junctures of undertaking a great work for the Kingdom of Heaven.  
* 6:30 large bowell movement which effectively cleans the bowel for a day or more of safe fasting.  And, I'm all set to go on a healthy fast.  Of course, the health to the human body is secondary, but mandatory. We can't make ourselves sick during fasting.  In fact, just the opposite, when a fast is done properly we can come away with a greater degree of physical well being and health.  Our body is the temple of the Holy spirit  and you and I and all humanity are under direct obligation to God, our Maker to care for these bodies the best we can.  It's called being faithful with the body Elohim has given to us.  To please Him, to be faithful is our highest ideal. 
* 6:45 am:  I wrote my fasting list for my goals and needs for this fast.  I asked God to help me and to answer these prayer.  I asked God, Jesus to move powerfully to bring justice to unjust situations, health to hurting bodies, salvations to lost souls, divine protection for loved ones,  and wisdom for me to move ahead in life with writing a book, and getting my house fixed up.  I'm praying fro specific people, needs, and situations.  Not in general.  Yes, mercy on America is always a priority, and the peace of Jerusalem is a command that we are to pray for.  Also, of course prayer for the KI Resident Study Program in New Zealand  and the new KI Study Center websight.  Seeking God on His throne of grace to help us in our time of need is primary.  Jesus is full of mercy, grace, and forgiveness.  He loves us, that is why we seek His face.  TO KNOW HIM is our highest ideal.
*7:15  1.5 cups hot water with 1 teaspoon pepper sauce.  Remember, keep hydrated.  Keep the liquids up on an hourly basis will keep you feeling good and the full.  Plus the blood will continue to be cleansed through the kidneys.  We're off to a good start. 
* 7:30 am: Praying in tongues and worship.  I personally like praying in tongues, because my spirit is praying, and my mind is bypassed.  So, God in heaven hears my prayers and supplications in the Spirit and my spirit is communicating directly with  my Saviors Spirit.  It's easy.  I also put on Christian worship music in my home at this time, makes it easy to rejoice in the Lord and keep focused on Him.  I can't stand to pump the spirit of the world into my home 24/7 with television, so I don't do tv.  Also, at this time I don't have internet at home.  I don't want to be distracted from God above by reading the news or surfing the web.  He honors that too.  He knows when a person seeks Him with all their heart.  And He likes it.

I'm Deeply Saddened

We Are Ephesus (Revelation 2:1-7)

Ephesus Turkey Today
Prayer and fasting.  I do see that prayer is a normal part of our lives as followers of the Way, Jesus, according to the Bible and the words of Jesus HImself. 

Of course I'm deeply saddened for the Body of Christ; us, the Evangelical Church in America today.  Why?  I'm saddened that prayer and fasting isn't made and recognized as  a top  priority. Especially considering it's extremely important function in the Bible.  This lost discipline is of up most importance as I've tried to point out in previous emails and my blog.  Could this be a reason for lack of power?   Jesus said:  "BUT THE DAYS  WILL COME... AND AT THAT TIME THEY WILL FAST." (Lk. 5:35a,c NASB)  That day has come.  It is time for us to obey our Lord.  Let us fast and pray like never before.

 I see all of us Evangelicals as Ephesus. (Rev. 2:1-7) Jesus walks among us.  We  shine and carry the Light of the Gospel of Christ.   We have it all....almost.  We have work, we have endurance. We don't tolerate evil, sin, nor false doctrine. We endure, we don't grow weary.  We give our all....   and yet.  So sad, how far we have fallen.  We've lost our First Love.  Our simple love and devotion to our Lord Jesus.  I know it saddens Him so much.  It would make Him happier if we simply worship Him more.  And, in addition, our love for each other has grown shallow and cold too, I'm sorry to say.   And that is why people are walking out of the churches in America.  That is why the finances of our ministries are being dried up by Jesus.  We can't afford to lack love any longer.  People's eternal soul's are being lost daily.  The harvest is ripe!


 We must return to  our First Love, Lord JesusI see prayer and fasting as one significant way to return to Him, intimate union, seeking His face.   Jesus says:  "COME UNTO ME, ALL YOU WHO ARE WEARY AND HEAVY LADEN, AND I WILL GIVE YOU REST." (Mt. 11:28)

Sunday, March 9, 2014

I Needed A Miracle

I needed God.  I was desperate beyond human help.

The only reason I'm alive today is because my Mom cried out to Jesus all night long in prayer, night watchings, and fasting. 
 She begged the God of the universe to take terminal cancer off me. This was 20 years ago.  She asked Jesus to deliver me from death. Crying she lay curled up on the floor in her living room in a fetal position all night long. Begging God to heal me.  She told God she could not live if I died then.  She was right.  Jesus heard my Momma's cries.  He worked a miracle of mercy in me.  Jesus blew out the cancer.  He poured in me a 'living hope' when a man of God prayed for me.  In an instant, cancer blown out, life, and life eternal poured in. 

 This was a true miracle from Jesus, The Man or Mercy. 


  This was the beginning of an incredible journey with Jesus for me 20 years ago.  Life has never been the same.  Eternity has a whole new meaning to me.  Jesus had mercy on my family and I when He divinely healed me of terminal cancer in a moment.  For the last 20 years His wings of grace, God's goodness alone, has carried me.  Jesus has forgiven me unimaginable sins, as if they'd never happened.  

Jesus has instructed me to tell of His mercy, His grace, and His forgiveness. 

 Unfathomable power  emanating through and from Him. Love, flowing like a mighty river of life in which we are immersed.  GOD IS LOVE. (John's Epistles)  IN HIM WE LIVE, AND MOVE AND HAVE OUR BEING. (Acts)  Mercy, grace, forgiveness unfathomable blown into the universe 2,000 years ago on the cross... forever, and ever, and ever.  For us who believe IN HIM IS LIFE, AND THIS LIFE IS THE LIGHT OF HUMANITY.  (John 1)

Fastings Often Blew Open the World

What was one of Paul's secrets of God's power? Fasting often: Jesus blew open the world to the Gospel of Grace.

(Image: dailyencouragement.wordpress)
 Why was his ministry so effective?    I see fasting as his major personal key.  He fasted at every important move.  All the time.  This is what he has to say through the Holy Spirit:

We read of his experiences in 2 Corinthians 11:27:  "IN LABOR AND TOIL, IN WATCHINGS OFTEN, IN HUNGER AND THIRST, IN FASTINGS OFTEN, IN COLD AND NAKEDNESS." Wow!  He was really qualified.  He suffered a lot for Jesus.  Look at what he did during his sufferings- fast.  We can learn that important lesson. By the way, fasting is never undertaken with out prayer.  Prayer is the key.  Add worship and you have a power packed day!!

These are some of the things Paul says verifies and empowers his ministry. 

He writes: "BUT IN EVERYTHING COMMENDING  OURSELVES AS SERVANTS OF GOD IN GREAT ENDURANCE, IN AFFLICTIONS, ..IN IMPRISONMENTS, ..IN WATCHINGS, IN FASTINGS; ..IN THE HOLY SPIRIT, IN SINCERE LOVE, IN THE WORD OF TRUTH, IN THE POWER OF GOD.."  (2 Corinthians 6:4-7 selected portions, WEB)   Sounds pretty exciting, huh?  Now we know some of the secrets of his power to spread the Good News, the Gospel of Jesus.  Paul suffered the loss of everything for the excellency, of knowing Jesus.  Knowing Jesus is the highest value on earth.  Humanities  greatest goal.

The power of the Gospel's spread through out the world was birthed in fasting. 
Acts 13:2,3

In the church in Antioch there were prophets and teachers... WHILE THEY WERE WORSHIPING THE LORD AND FASTING THE HOLY SPIRIT SAID, "SET APART FOR ME BARNABAS AND SAUL FOR THE WORK TO WHICH I HAVE CALLED THEM."  THEN AFTER FASTING AND PRAYING THEY LAID HANDS ON THEM AND SENT THEM OUT. (ESV) Notice how corporate fasting, praying, and worshiping Jesus was practiced in Antioch.  The rest is history.  Would to God that we could do that today.  That's taking Jesus seriously.  They knew the secret of power! Notice that prophets as well as teachers are part of the Body of Christ then, and still are today.  Notice that the Holy Spirit speaks, and He still does today!  JESUS, THE SAME YESTERDAY, TODAY, AND FOREVER.

We can learn a lot from Paul's example.  We can also say: TO LIVE IS CHRIST (TO LIVE FOR HIM), TO DIE IS GAIN (HEY, THAT'S EVEN BETTER, HEAVEN) Paul's Epistles.

 James is Jesus half  brother.  He instructs us in James 1:22  BUT BE DOERS OF THE WORD, AND NOT HEARERS ONLY, DECEIVING YOURSELVES.  (James 1:22 ESV)  So, let's do it!  Let's get some prayer power going.  Let's add some fasting.  How bout it?

Mystery of Fasting, Freedom, and Mercy

To me, a great mystery is revealed in the Prophet Isaiah 

The Great Isaiah Scroll

Chapter 58:1-7 of Isaiah explains great mysteries of how God sees fasting.  It seems to me that our God wants us to be generous; giving financially and fulfilling the needs of the poor, helping our relatives in need. And some how, in some way it adds to our fasting and prayer power.  God likes it.

Fasting and mercy is a great Biblical secret of healing, answered prayer, and a blessed life.  By the way, it's understood that fasting and prayer is a means to connect even more profoundly with God in serious circumstances of life.   Jesus of Nazareth is The Man of Mercy. 

.... Let's read what  God  Himself has to say:    "WILL YOU CALL THIS A FAST, AND A DAY ACCEPTABLE TO THE LORD?  IS NOT THIS THE FAST THAT I CHOSE; TO LOOSE THE BOUNDS OF WICKEDNESS, AND UNDO THE STRAPS OF THE YOKE, TO LET THE OPPRESSED GO FREE, AND TO BREAK EVERY YOKE."  (Is. 58:5b,6 ESV)  When we find ourselves or our loved ones bound by wickedness, under a yoke, and oppressed in this world fasting has incredible power to break that yoke, or bondage off of us, or our loved one in need.  So, always add fasting to your prayers.  God is mighty to save, Jesus sets the captives free.  And don't stop praying.

 Who would have thought  that a generous and giving heart, willing to share, would be so significant to the Almighty Father.  

Jesus is kind and merciful  and giving to us.  He wants us to give also. God goes on about fasting:  IS IT NOT TO SHARE YOUR BREAD WITH THE HUNGRY, AND BRING THE HOMELESS POOR INTO YOUR HOUSE; WHEN YOU SEE THE NAKED, COVER HIM, AND DO NOT HIDE YOURSELF FROM YOUR OWN FLESH? (v.7)  One commentary states:  "This passage indicates that the acceptable fast is not merely abstinence from food or water but a decision to fully obey God's commands but a decision to fully care for the poor and oppressed." (Wikipedia)  

 Why is it that God equates the two together?  Because He likes mercy. HE HAS SHOW YOU, O MORTAL WHAT IS GOOD.  AND WHAT DOES THE LORD REQUIRE OF YOU?  TO ACT JUSTLY, TO LOVE MERCY, AND TO WALK HUMBLY WITH YOUR GOD." (Mica 6:8) God requires mercy of mankind.  That's a prerequisite to the power of fasting. Jesus says:  "BLESSED ARE THE MERCIFUL, FOR THEY SHALL RECEIVE MERCY." (Sermon on the Mount)



Let us consider these wonderful fasting and health secrets of the Bible.  We've included the they mystery of mercy concerning fasting to God.  HE IS A REWARDER OF THOSE WHO SEEK HIM. (Hebrews 11:6b)    God bless you.