Monday, June 9, 2014

Another Successful Fast

  Prayer is primary.  All glory to Jesus. I thank Him for answered prayer for those in desperate need. 
Did another successful 20 hour fast.  So, it is none of my personal ability to be enabled to fast, it is simply a gifting from the Holy Spirit.  As John the Baptist said, "A person can receive nothing unless it is given to them from above." (Jn. 3:27)  

 In the past He, Jesus, empowered me to do many long fasts with tremendous results and revelations.  How I miss those days.  After about a 3 day fast I would see things completely differently and be in a different mindset than usual, much closer to God.  I loved it.  The experience was almost an altered state of consciousness than what I normally experience in day to day life.  Yet, during this time in my life of shorter fasts, worship is the key to getting closer to God in the Spirit, seeing pictures of Spiritual things in my minds eye.  How I long for that communion with Jesus Spirit.

I have been very sick recently.  There has been a lot of spiritual warfare.  That must mean there is tremendous prayer results too.  I saw a 'high place,' 'stronghold' taken down right north of Mead High School when I prayed, fasted, and walked the area.  But the price was very high as my personal health took a hit.  But, praise be to God, Jesus is restoring me.  I cry out to Him constantly.  Thank all of you who have been praying for me.

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